everyday with my son

Small stories of how it all went along

Archive for the month “July, 2017”


Liam loves fried chicken, yeah it is oily and unhealthy but he likes it. Sadly, it is not considered to be something of a go to food for toddlers but we cannot do much as Manila’s food are mostly salty, oily or sweet.

When he sees a Happy Donalds (Mc donalds) that is what he is going to get 4 out of 5 times, other times it is a toss up between Pancakes and Nuggets.

Compared to his brother, who is very picky, Liam is more of an eater.

He calls his favorite “Chikon” and he eats it with rice, sometimes even using his hands.

First day at San Beda

2 July was Kenzo’s first day at his big school, unlike his first day at JMS,  and he was very excited to go. His school starts very early at 630 am, and that first day did not started the way we hope it to be… that is because we overslept and we were woken up 9 mins before his school starts, in our defense we have a valid excuse (more on the next post).

That first morning was a mad rush, as we only have a few minutes to prepare and travel. When I woke up I grabbed the keys and prepared to leave the house on the same clothes I wore when I slept. Mum have some few things to do and we just dressed Kenzo inside the car while we were on our way. We got to school at 35 mins late, which is a bit embarrassing but at least we were there. The first day is just 2 hours long, it is more of an orientation and get to know stuff. Mum and I  just went to Mc Donalds for breakfast and went back to school to pick him.

It was a great day, even though that it was with a wild hiccup and at least it turned quite nicely in the end.


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