everyday with my son

Small stories of how it all went along

Archive for the month “September, 2021”

long drawn Covid

I am kinda worried that the kids have been isolated for more than a year now. I wonder if there are any psychological effects of isolation on kids? We know that they mature when they socialized with their peers. Will this scheme to put them indoors, even records will say that kids are a low risk group, have any long-term effect?

Right now they swamped themselves with online games which is a bad thing and I think it can lead to game addiction late in life or maybe they are now already.

I have been trying to make an attempt toask them to do physical work. during summer and last school year we spent about 30-40minutes playing a bit of a sport in the backyard. Now with the stressful school schedule I have no more energy to do it. It is been a month now that we have not played.

I remember when I was young, adults will tell us to lessen TV but now I coaxed them to watch more of it. I encourage them watch movies on Netflix, watch more documentaries, sports because I want to inch them away from Youtube videos and online games. Compared to Games and Youtubers; Netflix, movies and sports are heaven sent. Sports will encourage tackle their competitive instincts and movies will make them imagine, create a story in their mind, visualize, cry, smile etc. Few months I go, I have been trying them to convince them to watch Bambi. It is a great story and I was hoping that a little of Disney can click a bit of a drama in their visual palette. Compared to youtubers who often talk in slang and it does not have a story but just a rundown of movements, color, music etc. a movie is a big leap.

We are in very bad times, too bad they caught it and they are in it.

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