everyday with my son

Small stories of how it all went along

Archive for the month “January, 2022”


Banshee is a relatively unknown Marvel superhero whose power is to shout. Our house is a complete mess and rare for it to remain quiet. I dont think there is a weekend morning where there is no whining, tantrums, bad words, or attempts to squeeze each others eyes out.

When I am alone with the boys, tantrums are significantly less. I dont “baby” them or tries to rescue them when they are fighting or arguing. I even encourage them to fight ( reverse psychology) that makes them fight less. I told them bullies will pick on you because you wont fight back. They also dont want to get hurt and will not choose the kid who will fight back. If they know that the other brother will fight back, they tend to lessen their fights and try to avoid it if possible. I try to have a “hands-off” parenting when they are playing. It results to less conflict and less effort on my part to referee them.

While their mum are always hovering on them. This promotes more fighting because they know their mum will have their back. They get a ‘reward” or comfort when they lose a fight or thier mum will fight for them. Doing this make them complain to their mum to tell on the other one. It make them pretend they are hurt to get a rescue, similar to a football player “diving” or a hooper “flopping” to get a call from the refs.

I try to be non-chalant and let them settle their issues on their own, I draw a line on injuries. Naturally, I try to still be on the look-out for serious fighting.

It is not the best parenting advice, but it makes me less stressed and gives the house a bit of tranquility.

Getting harder

It is getting harder and harder to exist in the house. There is seldom a fun moment that you can enjoy, often I am thinking I hope I am someplace else. But sadly, life’s frustration, dissapointments sapped my energy to even try to go out and meet friends. It is a catch-22 thing where, I want to go but dont have the energy to do it.

I try to stay away from mum as much as possible to avoid stressful moments and clashes. To be fair, I bring her stress and vice-versa. I am not an ideal partner and so does she, it is a match made in hell.

I cant wait to “get free”, though, I have tons of stuff to settle that I dont know how and where to start. If the time comes, will I be ready or will I take a few more months to fix things and by that time I might I lose my window to go.

It is not an existence that anyone can stomach. Time will tell when it will snap, I dont thing I want to hold on.

Funny one

Liam has this comedic timing and often knowing when to say the funny things. He will caught you off guard with a funny reply and some sarcastic comments.

Minutes ago, I asked him if he feels bad when he sees a lion attacking a dear o a gazelle.

He said, ” why will he, I am not the one being attacked.”

Sadly, I dont have a list of his witty comments and I forgot most of them but I only do it will be a bunch.

Liam has a good social aura, friendly and easier to get along than his brother.


It feels like a puppet or a robot where you only have one purpose. It seems like my suggestions is not needed and important and just waved off as “negative”. My inputs are just nothing but wild theories and something more of a joke than reality.

I knew already that I am indispensable and my value was only to teach kids and be a guard dog of the house to watch the kids.

It is my role, not happy about it. When you have not much money to wave around yourinputs are as well.

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