everyday with my son

Small stories of how it all went along


In a snap Kenzo tagged Liam along to join a football camp. Last summer I asked them if they want to learn football and they said no. At around September we went to King’s Alley in Vermosa and joined. They immediately enjoyed it. I also enjoyed it because Vermosa is a great place where I can walk around, the place is safe, windy and the other parents are accomodating and nice.

I get to shoot two birds with one stone because I can do some walking and they play. We can both enjoy the activity. Football is also a great way to go outdoors and be under the sun.

after each training, we go home in a lighter mood due to the endorphins, inspite of the sweat and fatigue we are mostly happy.

It is now January and they are still at it and I think they might be liking it more than basketball.

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