everyday with my son

Small stories of how it all went along

Archive for the month “April, 2022”

Good Friday

Catholics observe Good friday today and for the longest time, I think since 2018, this has been the most joyous day I had. It is teeming with good news and hope. It was not an actual good news yet but possiblities of it. Yesterday, I had met with brokers for possible sale of the our idle property and it can lead to a windfall of money that can my life a bit easier.

For almost 4yrs of despair and depresssion, today gave me a bit of a better tomorrow. The money surely will not land on my hand. It will be for the kids. I might just get a Laz-Boy for it. I, at least, can secure an easier life for them.

It is not goin to be mine. I dont think I will enjoy the proceeds. It must be theirs, their house, their education.

I still plan to walk away after the sale. I have to. Staying will only add to the expenses and I am just nothing but a deadwood that does not have a value. as they say in Accounting the “risk and benefits” the benefits of me being around is less than the cost to keep it.

Thanks for some good news and I hope it will turn to realized good news soon.

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