everyday with my son

Small stories of how it all went along

A slice of an athlete’s life.

After joining Football, I also enrolled them at a basketball camp. We had a wild schedule and we enjoyed it. Though towards the end Liam started to complain about little pain and feeling fatigued. The schedule every weekends will be 8 to 10 am Football, 4 to 6pm basketball and in between will be rest, study and meals. Our Saturday and Sunday will start at 7am and end at 7pm all of those things above cramped together. It was fun but I think Liam is the most affected, his frail body started to get some little pains from the sked.

I hope them to be sporty so they can build confidence (this will benefit Kenzo more), learn new skill, be sociable (again, for Ken), pry them away from gadgets and be fit.

After 2 grueling months of this sked, the basketball camp sadly stopped. I think they did not get the needed number of enrollees to continue. They are now just on football.

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