everyday with my son

Small stories of how it all went along

Archive for the month “June, 2022”

Nice, Sweet Thang.

If parents can mold a kid mostly it will turn out like Liam. I am obviously biased but Liam is a nice little dude. He follows, he is not lazy, funny, very thoughtful, patience, helpful, sweet kid.

But it is not all nice thing with him. He can lose his patience. Once he lost it, you better hide. He is not a pushover and he can and will fight. It will take some pushing to tip him over to anger but when he does you better make a quick run. I hope no one at school will bully him because he looks nice but he got that “fight” in his heart.

Many times, at night, he need to ask someone to accompany him downstairs. Sometimes he will ask me. But I will often tell him, “you are a brave boy. You are the bravest in this house. You are braver than me.”


Mum told me that Kenzo was anxious about the weather today. They are supposed to go to the Theme park but the weather report says that there will be an 80% chance of rain. He was very worried. Mum does not want this and just want Ken to realized that rain is beyond our control and he should not give a big deal about it.

Kids are not programmable robots, that we parents can make them act, speak, think how we want. They can think and decide. They have their own fears and strenghts, biases and preferences… Parents should not make them be like us. I told mum to allow Ken to think what he wants. I asked mum to just fix Ken’s manner of arguing. Ken tends to shout and whine. Make him think what he wants and makes him decide how to handle it but he has do it in a nice manner.

If kids wanted to be rtreated and respected like adults then better act like one.


Liam is keen on studying. He dont complain and just do what he was asked to do. However, his mind wanders and he often get bored easily. He wanted to tell stories, always wanting to share something. Even without listening that much and even he looks outta focus he can grasp what was taught. Sometimes, I thought he is not listening and daydreaming because he is more focus on playing with his crayons or looking at other things on the table, but I am often surprised and amazed that he can answer when I asked him a question.

He is a wonderful student but he need to focus so he can recall his learning. His main problem is after moving on to another topic he can forget what was taught previously.

He have good study habits which very important. He really want to learn.


I can see how Liam moves he is more athletic. More quicker on his feet, more balanced, proportioned body weight etc. He can be better at sports than his brother.

It started when I got bought them a low basketball goal. From the onset you can see how Liam is able to control his shots more than his older brother. If there is a game that they both have a fair chance to win, it will be shooting the hoops. I had to tell Liam, just once, how to shot and he got it already. Shooting is just natural. How it use his legs to generate power, his arms straight, his wrist generating backspin, his feet are balanced. It was just natural to him.

While Ken, needs a lot of reminding and adjusting. His shots are inconsist and needs to be always reminded about the proper form.

Ken body type is heavy on his upper body, his chest and arms are strong. Li is more proportioned and longer. He is faster too.

I hope they will start to like sports and be competitive someday.


Jun 12, it is the country’s Independence Day. It made me realized that I am seeking my own independence too. I am currently stuck in a dark emotional prison that is also known as marriage. It is a situation where hate, frustration, emotional abuse reign.

It is not a lovely place to be in. There were no time in recent years that we were able to talk without ending up shouting at each other. A minor hiccups can turn into a tantrum. a small issue can turn into a massive dilema. Where you often tell yourself you had enough and can no longer take it.

But as I desire for independence, I have 2 kids that needs to be taken care of. Now it is a question of what is important my sanity and peace or the kids need for a dad. I am not much of a help, to be honest, I just teach, make sure that they learn their lesson, cook for them, play with them, teach them little truths about life. Other than a few positive things I am not much of a dad, I can be easily peeled off.

I am really tired and will be happy if I can walk away.

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