everyday with my son

Small stories of how it all went along

Archive for the month “August, 2022”

First day

As expected the first day was filled with tensions and stress. I woke up late at around 630am and had to still make breakfast, clean dishes and house. Good thing Mum is also here to help me set-up the Laptops.

I am still doubtful about online classes and I dont like it because I dont have control. I prefer I can be at a corner ready to add to what teacher taught, or fill in to what the kid’s dont understand. During these classes only a few info are retained, many are either ignored, misunderstood and forgotten. As a parent, I want to fill in that disadvantages and shortcomings of online class. Sadly, to do that I have to attend the classes with the kids which is impossible to do. Last 2020, to have control, I shifted the kids to modular-homeschooling from purely online. Homeschooling can give me the control to hammer important info, re teach hard topics, make sure that the kids understood the topics before moving on to another etc..

Now we are temporarily on hybrid classes for 2 months and hopefully once face to face is back all will be as normal and happy as it was before.

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